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How CTV Advertising is Redefining Local Marketing

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Connected TV (CTV) advertising is revolutionizing how brands reach audiences.

Unlike traditional cable ads, CTV allows laser-targeted messaging to viewers most likely to be interested.

These aren’t generic commercials – they’re interactive experiences demanding attention on the big screen.

From virtual showrooms to “choose your own adventure” ads, brands now craft memorable journeys that leave viewers wanting more.

And I would say CTV is the rising star here and one of the many offerings that we have in place to be able to reach your consumers where they are spending time” –Ami Lathia

But CTV’s real superpower is data.

It precisely tracks who saw your ad, for how long, and if it drove sales.

This insight helps continually optimize your campaign for maximum impact.

CTV opens new opportunities for local businesses to zap their message directly into neighborhood living rooms.

With pinpoint targeting, captivating formats, and measurable results, CTV is the future of advertising – engaging, impactful, and accountable.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Ditch the cable box, but keep the big-screen experience!

CTV, or Connected TV, is like having a superpower for your living room.

It lets you ditch traditional channels and stream your favorite shows, movies, and even apps directly on your TV.

Imagine your grandma’s favorite cooking show alongside the latest sci-fi blockbuster, accessible with just a few clicks

The Evolution of CTV Advertising

CTV advertising
  • TV ads used to be simple: short, catchy tunes selling everything from toothpaste to toys. Remember families gathered around the TV, watching the Jolly Green Giant? Those were the good ol’ days (or maybe not!).

  • Fast forward to remotes and cable channels. Now, commercials had to fight for your attention with funny skits and weird mascots. Think of the “Where’s the beef?” lady or those dancing California Raisins!

  • Cable TV brought a bunch of new channels, so advertisers started making commercials aimed at specific people. Think of all the car commercials aimed at parents or extreme sports sponsorships for teenagers.

  • Today, with streaming services, commercials are getting smarter. They use what you watch to show ads for things you might like. Ever notice how those shoes you just looked at online appear in a commercial break? It’s not magic, and it’s targeting!

  • The future of TV ads is wide open! We can choose what happens next in a show or see holographic ads on the screen (hopefully not selling used cars!). No matter what, TV commercials will keep changing as the way we watch TV changes, too.

Five Key Advantages of CTV Advertising

Imagine skipping cable but still seeing cool ads on your TV. That’s the power of CTV advertising! 

Here’s why it’s so awesome: 

  • Super Targeted Ads: You know those strange commercials that had nothing to do with what you were watching? Gone!

CTV stands based on helping you display your advertisement exclusively to those who would be impressed by it like sports fans seeing sports gear ads or bakers seeing baking supplies.

  • Big Screen Impact: Forget tiny phone ads! CTV puts your message on the biggest screen in the house, grabbing attention and making a real impression.

It’s like having your commercial break, but way more interesting (and you can’t just switch channels!).

  • Know What Works: CTV tracks exactly who saw your ad and for how long. Did it make them want to buy something?

This information helps you make even better ads that people will love. No more guessing what works—CTV gives you the real story.

CTV advertising

Great, if you’ve made it this far, it means you’re really interested in becoming a leader in the advertising industry! Let’s move on to the other benefits.

  • Interactive Fun: Forget boring commercials! CTV lets you create interactive experiences.

Viewers can scan a code with their phone to buy what they see in the ad or even vote on how the commercial ends! It’s advertising that keeps people engaged and wanting more.

  • See Your Success: Unlike traditional TV ads, CTV shows you exactly how your ad is doing.

You’ll see how many people saw it, how much it cost, and if it made people buy your stuff.

No more mystery – CTV shows you clear results so you can make the most of your money.

  • CTV advertising is like a superhero for your brand. It’s targeted, impactful, and lets you see real results.

So ditch the old ways and jump into the future of advertising!

A Secret Playbook for CTV Advertising

Forget boring commercials and tired tactics! CTV advertising is the ultimate boss move, letting you infiltrate living rooms and win over viewers like a ninja. 

Here’s your secret playbook to dominate the game:

  • Decode the Mission: Before unleashing your ad army, become a master strategist.

What’s your ultimate goal? Supercharge brand awareness, drive website traffic like a rocket, or convert viewers into loyal customers?

Knowing your mission is like cracking the enemy’s code—it unlocks the right weapons and tactics for victory.

  • Choose Your Weapon Wisely: The CTV landscape is brimming with hidden fortress platforms with unique powers!

Some let you target viewers across different apps, while others give you direct access to popular streaming services.

Think of them as special gadgets—pick the one that best suits your mission. 

  • Craft an Interactive Experience: Ditch the yawn-inducing commercials of the past!

CTV lets you create captivating mini-adventures.

Imagine a short, action-packed video where viewers can scan a code with their phone to instantly buy your new fitness tracker or even vote on the ending of your ad for a thrilling cliffhanger! 

  • Become a Mastermind: Gone are the days of throwing darts in the dark. CTV lets you target viewers with laser precision.

Imagine knowing their age, location, interests, and even what they’ve watched before!

It’s like having a mind-reading device – you can target viewers practically begging for your product. 

  • Track Your Success Like a Pro: Unlike traditional TV ads shrouded in mystery, CTV offers real-time intel.

See exactly how many viewers witnessed your ad, if it sparked their buying instincts, and even adjust your strategy mid-battle.

It’s like having a built-in war room monitor, showing you exactly where to reinforce your attack for maximum impact!

With a strategic plan, the right platform, and captivating ad formats, CTV advertising can turn your brand into a household name, beamed directly into living rooms across the land.

Killer CTV Ad Examples to Inspire You

CTV advertising isn’t just about blasting generic commercials anymore.

It’s about crafting unforgettable experiences that leave viewers wanting more.

Here are a few inspiring examples to spark your creativity:

  • Volvo: The Virtual Showroom Experience

Volvo didn’t just show a car; they built a virtual showroom in your living room.

Their interactive CTV ad allowed viewers to explore the all-new S90 model in stunning detail, using their remote control to navigate the interior and customize features. 

  • Meineke: Humor Meets Targeting

Meineke knew financing could be a drag, so they humorously tackled it in a targeted CTV ad.

The commercial featured a man proposing with a paper ring, highlighting the absurdity of not having financing options for car repairs. 

  • Fiverr: The Real People 

Real Transformations Fiverr, a platform for freelance services, showcases real people who used the platform to realize their dreams.

Their CTV ad campaign was centered around touching stories about people achieving success with the assistance of Fiverr, such as a bakery owner and an artist who learned a new creative skill. 

  • Skittles: Interactive Flavor Frenzy

Skittles embraced CTV’s interactive nature with a playful campaign.

Their ad featured a vibrant world where viewers could use their remote to control the action, choosing the flavor combinations they wanted to see come to life on screen.

This engaging experience entertained viewers and kept the Skittles brand top-of-mind with its interactive and playful approach.

  • The Unexpected Celebrity Twist

Their CTV ad campaign featured a seemingly ordinary commercial set in a library.

But then, things took a hilarious turn when a celebrity like Terry Crews or Isaiah Mustafa crashed the scene, injecting humor and brand recognition into the unexpected situation.

The instances reveal the functional nature of CTV advertising aiming beyond the traditional commercials. 

Why CTV is a Local Advertiser's Dream?

Remember the days of blasting your message across cable channels, hoping it landed on someone who might be interested in your local bakery?

Well, fret no more! CTV (Connected TV) advertising is here to revolutionize how local businesses connect with customers, turning your living room into a personalized billboard for your brand.

Here’s why CTV is the future of local advertising:

  • Local Impact: Unlike scattershot cable ads, CTV lets you target viewers with pinpoint accuracy.

Imagine showing your ad for fresh-baked bread only to people who live near your bakery and have recently watched cooking shows.

It’s like having a local town crier who knows exactly who to shout your message to!

  • Small Business Boost: Forget tiny ads on phones or laptops.

CTV puts your bakery’s mouthwatering pastries front and center on the biggest screen in the house.

It’s like having your commercial break during the local news, but way more eye-catching (and viewers can’t just channel surf away!).

  • Craft the Perfect Ad: CTV tracks viewer data like neighborhood gossip.

You’ll see exactly who saw your ad, for how long, and even if it made them crave your famous cinnamon rolls.

This intel allows you to tailor your ads to resonate perfectly with your local audience.

Highlight breakfast deals for early risers or weekend specials for families with kids!

  • Local Loyalty: CTV lets you create interactive experiences that build local connections.

Envision the customer base using their cellular phones to scan the QR code and place an order for a slice of your best-in-class pie or even decide on the next flavor of cupcake that you’ll bake!

It’s like having a local block party and doing the final selling yourself. 

  • Measurable Success: Contrary to the obscure world of traditional advertising, CTV provides you with metrics that are easy to comprehend.

You’ll be able precisely to count the number of people who saw your ad, how much it cost, and if it caused a high number of customers in your bakery.

It is responsible advertising that encourages you to patronize your local business. 

Are you Looking to Take Advantage of CTV Advertising for Your Local Business?

Partner with a full-service marketing agency like Crisalide Agency specializes in CTV campaigns.

They can develop a targeted strategy, create engaging ad content, and track your results for success.

Crisalide Agency’s team of experts can help you craft the perfect CTV campaign to reach your local audience and boost your business.


CTV isn’t just the future—it’s already here!

It comes with high-tech laser targeting, big-screen impact, and interactive features.

It enables you to strengthen your local community bonds in a way never possible.

So, ditch the outdated methods and embrace the CTV revolution!

It’s the perfect platform to turn your local business into a household name (and a neighborhood favorite!).

Picture of David Mason
David Mason